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Copyright:  Bob Dylan 2022

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A personal selection of classical songs from Bob Dylan's book "The Philosophy of Modern Song"

"Without a song" - Perry Como.  (1951)

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Bob Dylan:

This song doesn't relly name the song that the world be worse off if it never heard. It's a mystery. Elvis Presley quotes the first verse of this song as being representative of everything he believes. Most people first heard this song
sung by Perry Como.

Perry Como was the anti-Rat Pack, like the anti-Frank ; he wouldn't be caught dead with a drink in his hand, and could out-sing anybody. His performance
is just downright incredible. There is nothing small you can say about it.
The orchestration alone can knock you off your feet.

Perry is also the anti-American Idol. He is anti-flavor of the week, anti-hot list and anti-bling. He was a Cadillac before the tail fins; a Colt .45, not a Glock; steak and potatoes, not California cuisine. Perry Como stands and delivers.
No artifice, no forcing one syllable to spread itself thin across many notes.
He can affors to be unassuming because he has what it takes.
A man with ligthening in his pocket doesn't ever brag. He walks out on stage, cocks his head to better hear the band, stands in fornt of the audience and sings ... and the people in front of him are transformed. Not by the clothes
on his back or the drink in his glass, not by the last starlet he kissed or the car that he drives. But by the song that he sings.

Perry Como lived in every moment of every song he sang. He didn't have to write the song to do it. He may have believed the songs more than some of
the people that wrote them. When he stood and sang, he owned the song
and he shared it and we believed every single word.
What more could you want from an artist?

Without a song. Few songs become popular but the ones that do we can't
seem to do without.

Without a Song

Without a song, the day would never end
Without a song, the road would never bend
When things go wrong, a man ain't got a friend
Without a song!

That field of corn, would never see a plough
That field of corn, would be deserted now

A young one's born, but he's no good no how
Without a song!

I got my trouble an' woe, but sure as I know
The Jordan will roll (Roll your river Jordan!)
I'll get along as long as a song is strung
In my soul!

I'll never know what makes the rian to fall,
I'll never know what makes the grass so tall.
I only know there ain't no love at all
Without a song!

(I got my trouble an' woe, but sure as I know The Jordan will roll,
I'll get along as long as a song is strung in my soul!)
In my soul!

I'll never know what makes the rian to fall,
I'll never know what makes the grass so tall,
I only know there ain't no love at all
Without a song!

Music:   Vincent Youmans.
Lyrics:   Billy Rose and Edward Eliscu.

"Money Honey" - Elvis Presley.  (1956)

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Money Honey

You know the landlord rang my frontdoor bell
I let it ring for a long, long spell

I went to the window,
I peeped through the blind,
And asked him to tell me what was on his mind
He said,

Money, honey, uh, uh
Money honey
Money honey, if you want to get along with me

Well, I screamed and I hollered,
I was so hard-pressed
I called the woman that I loved the best
I finally gor my baby about half past three,
She said I'd like to know what you want with me
I said

Money, honey, uh, uh
Money honey
Money honey, if you want to get along with me

Well, I said tell me baby, waht's wrong with you?
From this day on our romance is through
I said tell me baby face to face
'Bout how could another man take my place,
she said

Money, h
oney, uh, uh
Money honey
Money honey, if you want to get along with me

Well, I've learned my lesson and now I know
The sun may shine and the winds may blow
The women may come and the women may go,
But before I say I love you so, I want

Money, h
oney, uh, uh
Money honey
Money honey, if you want to get along with me

Lyrics and music:  Jesse Stone


Bob Dylan:

This  moneything is driving you up the wall, it's got you dragged out and spooked, it's a constant concern. The landlord's at your door and he's ringing the bell. Lots of space between the rings, and you're hoping he'll go away, like there's nobody home. You squint through the blinds, but he's got a keen eye and he sees you. The old scrooge has come for the rent money for the tenth time, and he wants it on the double, no more hanky-panky.

You give him the same old recitation, that times are tough, and your assets have been frozen, but you've got mon ey coming in from a previous job.  He doesn't go for any of it. You're on the defensive. The pproperty owner is a doubting Thomas, the tight-fisted old penny pincher wants his money now. Pay up or vamos, if you want to stay chummy.

What fo you do? You hoot and you howl, and you bark at the moon. You're beside yourself, you're fidgety. You call the hardest woman you know. Cream on the crop, coolest anf finest, your first and greatest love, you wake her up at 3:30 in thwe morning. She's irritated and fuming, and in a rage. wants to know why you called. You tell her that you need a helping hand, and if she wants to stay on intimate terms, send you some cash.

She says look here mister lovey-dovey, you're too extravagant, you're high on drugs. I gave you money, but you gambled it away, now get lost. You say wait a minute now. Why are you being so combative? You're way off target. Don't be so small minded, you're being goofy. I thought we had a love pact, why do you want to shun me and leave me marooned? What's wrong with you anyway? I'm telling you, let's be amiable, and if you're not, I'm going to wrap this relationship up and terminate it. You're asking her for money. She says money is the rott af all evil, now take a hike. You try to appeal to her sensual side but she's not having it. She's got another man, which infuriates you no end.

But no other man could step into your shoes. no other man can swap places with you. No other man would pinch-hit, when it comes to her. How could it happen? I get it , she's not in love with you anyway, she's in love with the allmighty dollar. Now you've learnt your lesson, and you see it clear. Used to be you only associated with extrordinary people, now they're all a dime a dozen, but you have to keep it in perspective. There's always someone better than you, and there's always someone better than him. You want to do things well. You know you can do things, bit it's hard to do them well. You don't know what your problem is. The best things in life are free, but you prefer the worst. Maybe that's your problem.

"Pancho and Lefty" - Townes van Zandt.  (1983)

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Pancho and Lefty

Living on the road my friend
Is gonna keep you free and clean
Now you wear your skin like iron
And your breath as hard as kerosene
You weren't your mama's only boy
But her favorite one it seems
She began to cry when you said goodbye
Sank into your dreams


Pancho was a bandit boy
His horse was fast as polished steel
Wore his gun outside his pants
For all the honest world to feel
Pancho met his match you know
On the deserts down in Mexico
Nobody heard his dying words
Ah but that's the way it goes


All the Federales say
They could have had him any day
They only let him hang around
Out of kindness, I suppose


Lefty, he can't sing the blues
All night long like he used to
The dust that Pancho bit down south
Ended up in Lefty's mouth
The day they laid poor Pancho low
Lefty split for Ohio
Where he got the bread to go
There ain't nobody knows


All the Federales say
They could have had him any day
They only let him slip away


Now the poets tell how Pancho fell
And Lefty's living in cheap hotel
The desert's quiet, Cleveland's cold
And so the story ends we're told
Pancho needs your prayers it's true
But save a few for Lefty too
He just did what he had to do
And now he's growing old


And a few great Federales say
They could have had him any day
They only let him go so wrong
Out of kindness, I suppose


A few great Federales say
They could have had him any day
They only let him go so wrong
Out of kindness, I suppose

Lyrics and music:  Townes van Zandt

Bob Dylan:

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